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Product Details
Title: Third Save: Rescued from Death, Living in Joy
Published: Oct. 14, 2024
ISBN-10: 1962705285
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Book Description
Kristy Sheridan survived a deadly plane crash and a sixty-foot plummet off a cliff before she learned to seek God’s will over her own desires.
The crash of American Airlines Flight 1420 broke Kristy’s neck and stripped away the identity she found in her prized career. A decade later, she broke her neck again when she fell more than sixty feet off a cliff in Germany.
Still, Kristy’s faith remained stagnant.
When she finally chose to seek God’s will over her own, she found her true identity in Christ. This helped her accept responsibility for her role in a thirty-year estrangement with her only surviving sibling.
Once overachieving and proud, Kristy now leads a life of reconciliation, service work, and spreading God’s love and compassion.